Hi and thanks for stopping by my social hub website. This site is here to give you a starting place for connecting with me on the various social media sites that are currently available. I have aggregated all of my blog posts from around the web right here on this site for your convenience. Please feel free to review the content you see here.
Who am I?
I am a fitness industry evangelist, ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and NPC athlete, teaching others what to watch out for and steering them in the direction of the Reputable Few. If you do a search on Twitter for #reputablefew you will find some people I have endorsed as members of the elite club — The Reputable Few. Not many get in and that’s why it is called The Reputable Few.
What about before getting into the fitness industry?
Before I got involved with the fitness industry, I was a computer specialist. I went through a major life change when I had to endure back surgery. I gained 40 pounds during the recovery phase and decided I had to lose that weight. That situation ignited my passion for fitness. I developed a lot of knowledge about fitness and wanted to share that knowledge with others. This came to a boiling point when I got involved with a fitness group online. This got me involved in daily accountability blogging.
Why is social media powerful in the fitness world?
The first thing I noticed is how powerful social media is for helping a person get into great shape. The support network that can be formed is incredible and the people are so supportive. Now that I am applying what I’ve learned through that online support group I am seeing real results. I now have the opportunity to share what I’ve learned with other people.
What about my personal trainer certification?
I was certified as a personal trainer by the ISSA. I passed my final exam with flying colors and have been helping clients to get into great shape ever since. I love this work!
What about my bodybuilding career?
On April 14, 2012 I took 3rd place in my first ever NPC bodybuilding show. I then placed 4th in the Venice Beach Memorial Day Classic 2012. I am continuing my bodybuilding career by training hard for a show in 2013. I am also blogging about bodybuilding on a regular basis. Follow my progress at http://fitnessexpose.com.
What about my writing?
I am coming out with a supplement guide very shortly. It will guide the average person in what supplements work and what supplements do not work. My upcoming eBook will teach people with back pain and back problems how they can train with weights safely.